UW union bargaining 2024

Updates from our union bargaining team:

Union bargaining team member Kohl with an update on the August 13 bargaining session:

Union bargaining teamm member Dale with an update on the July 30 bargaining session:

Click here to meet the rest of our union bargaining team!


Important dates:

Aug 20 – Scheduled bargaining
Aug 28 – Rally for Safe Staffing & petition delivery
Sept 6 – Scheduled bargaining
Sept 11 – Scheduled bargaining
Oct 1 – Ratified contract due to Governor

Download these Zoom backgrounds and profile pics to show your support!

Zoom backgrounds


***New Zoom background!***
Download and use this background to show your support for protecting telework options.

Profile pics

Fired Up, Ready to Go! Watch the video…

View PDF of our bargaining values here: